Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bedroom Wall

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Living Room

More work on the walls being done!
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Hard Work

After taking of the old paint which was done like a Spanish style texture, the work to smooth out the walls
began. Before we took the paint off ourselves by scraping it off, we had had some experts come in. They told us that
because of what had been done to the walls by the previous owners, part of the walls on the inside walls would need to
be replaced. It actually looked like the walls of a mudd house.
Well, we decided to try to scrape it off ourselves, and most of it came off easily. Which meant that no
replacement of the inside walls was needed.
That was a couple grant extra in our pockets.
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Loading Up

So now the clean up began! Moving all the cut up tile from the house!
And this is just the beginning!
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Men at work

Now out with the tile in the living room! This was definitely back breaking work.
We were so lucky to get help from some great people which saved us time and loads of money!
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Out with the tile

There goes the tile in the master bedroom! That was step I. Onto step II.
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Master Bedroom

Here you can see part of the master bedroom from previous owners! Well, this was not what we had in mind when it came to colors so just wait and see and follow the transformation!
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Our Home-July 2007

Our new home! We waited for this for 2 years and finally we have a home that we can call ours!
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As we all know the birthday boy can't miss out on his own birthday cake.
Boy, that tasted good. Even my little nose got a taste!
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Pre-birthday bash on the 4th of July!

As fireworks went off it was impossible for Arend to sleep so everybody
decided eventually they wanted some cake and they all gathered around our birthday boy
A little bit sleepy and dazed little Arend was wondering what
all these people were doing
All though way off key everyone sang "Happy Birthday"
He didn't realize yet it was his special day but as we all know that
won't last for long..............

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Birthday Cake

As we celebrated Arend's 1st Birthday on July 4th we had to get
his birthday cake with the matching red,white and blue colors.
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My 2nd bath tub

Nowadays they make these baby bath tubs which you place in the regular big tub! This is safe and soft. Not
too many worries about slipping and sliding. When mommy brought this home I had to have a bit of fun in it first.
Mommy dragged and pushed me around in it for a while and I had a blast.
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June 2007

I got a hold of the phone. Catch me if you can. I like to hear the sounds by pressing all the buttons.
I even managed to play old messages that were on the answering machine. By the way do not give me a toy
phone. I have no interest in that at all. See ya later!
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Packing up June 2007

Oma Leni and opa Ed were packing up the stuff in the apartment. Well ofcourse I needed some
attention, so Opa Ed put me in a box. I found that pretty funny and interesting. See you at the new house!
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Future swimming star, April 2007

Just watch this. If someone would just let me go I would set the new world record for babies!
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April 2007

My first cookie in Curacao. Oma Leni got me these delicious cookies.
I was covered from head to toe afterwards!
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April 2007

As you can see they took me everywhere. Thanks Megan & Mathhew!
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April 2007

Vacation in Curacao! Mommy definitely got a break. I had the best cousins/babysitters who dragged me around
everywhere! I definitely wasn't complaining. Got all the attention my liitle heart desired!
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Get me out of here

My playpen is definietly not my favorite place. I like to walk around and get into everything and
not be locked up in my little "cage"!
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March 2007

Playing with Opa Ed. These are very special times. Opa took a break from his favorite addiction, The Computer,
to play with me!

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